------------------------------------------------------------------- Q1 (5 pts): Explain in a few words what this article is about. Providing personalized news to readers, by guessing those items that are most interesting to them and grouping them by event. Q2 (5 pts): What is the similarity between buying books online and reading stories online? How is this similarity useful? Buying books is an expression of interest in certain subjects. Reading news is also an expression of interest in certain types of events. To guess the interest of a user, news sites look at the pattern of items viewed by other users. Q3 (10 pts): What does it mean to rank news stories? (3 pts) What does it mean to cluster news stories? (3 pts) How does "google news" rank news stories? (4 pts) Ranking = ordering news by relevance and importance to a particular user. Clustering = grouping news about the same event. Ranking at google news: by source authority, by timeliness, originality, who reported the news online, popularity. -------------------------------------------------------------------