// Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.5 sample file. // File by Dan Farmer // Demonstrates glass textures, CGS with box primitives, one of Mike Miller's // fabulous marble textures, modified with an "octaves" change, and doesn't // make a half-bad image, either. Interesting lighting effect, too. global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 max_trace_level 5 } #include "colors.inc" #include "shapes.inc" #include "textures.inc" #include "glass.inc" #include "stones.inc" camera { location <0.75, 0, -5> direction <0.0, 0.0, 0.5> // "wide-angle" view up <0.0, 1.0, 0> right <4/3, 0.0, 0> look_at <0, 0, -1>} // Light sources, two to the front, right, on from the left, rear. light_source {<-30, 11, 20> color White} light_source {< 31, 12, -20> color White} light_source {< 32, 11, -20> color LightGray} /*sphere { <2, 0, 0>, 3 interior{ caustics 1.0 ior 1.5 } texture { T_Glass1 pigment {color green 0.90 filter 0.85} finish { phong 1 phong_size 300 // Very tight highlights reflection 0.15 // Needs a little reflection added } } } */ /* sphere { <-5, 2, 2>, 2.5 interior{ caustics 1.0 ior 1.5 } texture { T_Glass1 pigment {color blue 0.90 filter 0.85} finish { phong 1 phong_size 300 // Very tight highlights reflection 0.15 // Needs a little reflection added } } } */ /* sphere { <-2, -3, 0>, 1.5 interior{ caustics 1.0 ior 1.5 } texture { T_Glass1 pigment {color red 0.90 filter 0.85} finish { phong 1 phong_size 300 // Very tight highlights reflection 0.15 // Needs a little reflection added } } } */ // XZ plane #declare Count = -500; #while( Count <= 500) cylinder { <-200, -20, Count>, // Center of one end <200, -20 , Count>, // Center of other end .05 // Radius texture { pigment { checker color White color White scale <30.0, 4.01, 30.0> } } } #declare Count = Count + 3; #end #declare Count = -500; #while( Count <= 500) cylinder { , // Center of one end , // Center of other end .05 // Radius texture { pigment { checker color White color White scale <30.0, 4.01, 30.0> } //finish { reflection 0.12 } } } #declare Count = Count + 3; #end //////******************* // XY plane #declare Count = -500; #while( Count <= 500) cylinder { , // Center of one end , // Center of other end .05 // Radius texture { pigment { checker color White color White scale <30.0, 4.01, 30.0> } //finish { reflection 0.12 } } } #declare Count = Count + 3; #end #declare Count = -500; #while( Count <= 500) cylinder { <-200, Count, 60>, // Center of one end <200, Count , 60>, // Center of other end .05 // Radius texture { pigment { checker color White color White scale <30.0, 4.01, 30.0> } //finish { reflection 0.12 } } } #declare Count = Count + 3; #end /*plane { y, -60.5 texture { pigment { White_Marble scale <20.0, 1.0, 20.0> } finish { reflection 0.12 } } texture { pigment { checker color Black filter 1.0 color White filter 1.0 scale <30.0, 4.001, 30.0> } finish { reflection 0.12 } } } */ // end of file