Computer science 3710 project: This project is used povray software to create the arc monument located at the university of lethbridge. I used one box, one cylinder and use the difference function to create the arc and translate it to the proper position. The other half of the monument is created by rotate the arc to the opposite direction. The steps were created using the boxes and translate them to the intended position. The rainbow I just use the builtin function provided by povray. For the teapot, I just use two cones and one box to merge them togerther, use the difference function to make the shape of the teapot. Then I use the chain to link a sphere and teapot to make it looks a little fun. The chain I reference the program in the tutorial in the www. and it took quite a while to adjust the position. The difficult part for me is to figure out the proper position to translate and rotate as well as to choose the right color for the background and material which composed of the picture. If I had more time, I will add more detail to the picture. Anyway, enjoy.