// Persistence of Vision Raytracer V3.5 // World definition file. // // Contains 3 lights, 34 materials and 24 primitives. // // This file was generated for POV-Ray V3.5 by // Moray V3.5 For Windows Copyright (c) 1993-2003 Lutz + Kretzschmar // // Date : 02/14/2005 (14.02.2005) // /* The text between these two comments is in MorayPOV.INC and is automatically included in all POV files that Moray exports. */ default { texture { pigment { rgb <1,0,0> } } } /* // Scene Comment This scene was created with Moray V3.4 Beta For Windows. */ // End Scene Comment global_settings { adc_bailout 0.003922 ambient_light <1.0,1.0,1.0> assumed_gamma 1.9 hf_gray_16 off irid_wavelength <0.247059,0.176471,0.137255> max_intersections 64 max_trace_level 10 number_of_waves 10 noise_generator 2 charset ascii } background { color <0.000,0.000,0.000> } camera { // Camera Camera01 location < 4.550, -9.994, 2.480> sky < 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000> // Use right handed-system up < 0.0, 0.0, 1.0> // Where Z is up right < 1.33906, 0.0, 0.0> // Right Vector is adjusted to compensate for spherical (Moray) vs. planar (POV-Ray) aspect ratio angle 19.53866 // Vertical 14.654 look_at < -0.588, 0.006, 1.162> } // // ******* L I G H T S ******* // light_source { // Light003 <0.0, 0.0, 0.0> color rgb <1.000, 1.000, 1.000> translate <-0.291003, 0.165155, 1.856058> } light_source { // Light002 <0.0, 0.0, 0.0> color rgb <1.000, 1.000, 1.000> translate <-0.870728, -1.653345, 1.93426> } light_source { // Light001 <0.0, 0.0, 0.0> color rgb <1.000, 1.000, 1.000> shadowless translate <2.16353, -1.93902, 1.140526> } // // ******** MATERIALS ******* // #include "saddledome1.inc" // // ******** REFERENCED OBJECTS ******* // // // ******** OBJECTS ******* // union { // BezPtch002 object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0100 u_steps 3 v_steps 3, <-1.000000, -0.000002, 0.000000>, <-1.000000, -1.333333, 0.000000>, <1.000000, -1.333333, 0.000000>, <1.000000, -0.000000, 0.000000>, <-1.000000, -0.000002, 2.000000>, <-1.000000, -1.333333, 2.000000>, <1.000000, -1.333333, 2.000000>, <1.000000, -0.000000, 2.000000>, <-0.897238, 0.131576, 3.821903>, <-0.794475, -1.070178, 3.643806>, <1.006652, -1.208265, 4.288394>, <1.003326, 0.062534, 4.144197>, <-0.820350, -0.118845, 3.971697>, <-0.640699, -1.158112, 3.401185>, <0.788799, -1.147363, 3.094306>, <0.839461, -0.170844, 3.934315> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0100 u_steps 3 v_steps 3, <1.000000, -0.000000, 0.000000>, <1.000000, 1.333333, 0.000000>, <-1.000000, 1.333330, 0.000000>, <-1.000000, -0.000002, 0.000000>, <1.000000, -0.000000, 2.000000>, <1.000000, 1.333333, 2.000000>, <-1.000000, 1.333330, 2.000000>, <-1.000000, -0.000002, 2.000000>, <1.003326, 0.062534, 4.144197>, <1.000000, 1.333333, 4.000000>, <-1.000000, 1.333330, 4.000000>, <-0.897238, 0.131576, 3.821903>, <0.839461, -0.170844, 3.934315>, <0.890123, 0.805675, 4.774324>, <-1.000000, 0.920421, 4.542210>, <-0.820350, -0.118845, 3.971697> } } material { red100_txt } scale <0.202498, 0.214041, 0.152737> translate <0.165635, -1.140698, 0.479207> } union { // Group001 disc { // Disc004 <0,0,0>, <0,0,1>, 1.0 material { ChromeTexture1_1 } scale 0.183709 rotate <17.140629, 14.213286, -18.857454> translate <0.172269, -1.209841, 0.784781> } translate <0.076207, -0.079391, 0.291755> } union { // Body1 object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0100 u_steps 3 v_steps 3, <-0.709728, 0.218587, 0.397917>, <-0.731175, -0.350257, 0.312879>, <-0.301972, -0.663702, 0.399171>, <0.042810, -0.761463, 0.619048>, <-0.962884, 0.003216, 0.419214>, <-1.000000, -0.550000, 0.500000>, <-0.474404, -0.743978, 0.341028>, <0.055245, -0.759151, 0.590179>, <-1.007095, -0.002823, 0.996405>, <-1.035527, -0.507883, 0.956995>, <-0.520238, -0.747592, 0.549153>, <-0.028002, -0.799409, 0.754703>, <-0.988430, 0.010998, 1.282630>, <-0.981480, -0.427123, 1.381669>, <-0.579234, -0.858148, 0.803287>, <-0.088203, -0.800836, 0.967717> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0100 u_steps 3 v_steps 3, <0.042810, -0.761463, 0.619048>, <0.387593, -0.859225, 0.838925>, <0.505125, -0.752436, 0.701578>, <0.493979, -0.256974, 0.469294>, <0.055245, -0.759151, 0.590179>, <0.584893, -0.774324, 0.839331>, <0.628533, -0.775360, 0.651687>, <0.695870, -0.189523, 0.566363>, <-0.028002, -0.799409, 0.754703>, <0.464235, -0.851227, 0.960252>, <0.788285, -0.681590, 1.061006>, <0.894142, -0.065795, 1.030503>, <-0.088203, -0.800836, 0.967717>, <0.402829, -0.743524, 1.132146>, <0.758821, -0.782996, 1.653293>, <0.962468, -0.090961, 1.546773> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0100 u_steps 3 v_steps 3, <0.493979, -0.256974, 0.469294>, <0.482834, 0.238488, 0.237011>, <0.420852, 1.000000, 0.433729>, <-0.005256, 1.055354, 0.415969>, <0.695870, -0.189523, 0.566363>, <0.763206, 0.396313, 0.481039>, <0.550000, 1.000000, 0.500000>, <0.058786, 0.991528, 0.472366>, <0.894142, -0.065795, 1.030503>, <1.000000, 0.550000, 1.000000>, <0.452855, 0.927806, 0.940930>, <-0.049266, 0.974672, 0.903552>, <0.962468, -0.090961, 1.546773>, <1.166116, 0.601074, 1.440253>, <0.576212, 0.959102, 1.254112>, <0.014401, 0.955185, 1.041938> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0100 u_steps 3 v_steps 3, <-0.005256, 1.055354, 0.415969>, <-0.431364, 1.110709, 0.398209>, <-0.688282, 0.787430, 0.482954>, <-0.709728, 0.218587, 0.397917>, <0.058786, 0.991528, 0.472366>, <-0.432428, 0.983056, 0.444733>, <-0.925768, 0.556432, 0.338427>, <-0.962884, 0.003216, 0.419214>, <-0.049266, 0.974672, 0.903552>, <-0.551387, 1.021539, 0.866174>, <-0.978663, 0.502237, 1.035815>, <-1.007095, -0.002823, 0.996405>, <0.014401, 0.955185, 1.041938>, <-0.547410, 0.951267, 0.829765>, <-0.995380, 0.449118, 1.183590>, <-0.988430, 0.010998, 1.282630> } } material { red70_txt } scale <1.870346, 1.496667, 0.985317> translate <-0.654457, 0.00054, 0.072651> } disc { // Disc005 <0,0,0>, <0,0,1>, 1.0 material { Parafin } scale 0.046766 rotate <97.386864, -0.872862, -125.931595> translate <1.130503, -0.351505, 0.781843> } disc { // Disc006 <0,0,0>, <0,0,1>, 1.0 material { Parafin } scale 0.050205 rotate <98.389511, -0.890345, -110.450157> translate <1.203572, -0.208361, 0.788865> } union { // windows disc { // Disc001 <0,0,0>, <0,0,1>, 1.0 scale 0.069405 rotate <97.742744, -9.144386, -136.768585> translate <0.757665, -0.846704, 1.196611> } disc { // Disc002 <0,0,0>, <0,0,1>, 1.0 scale 0.069405 rotate <97.742744, -9.144386, -129.801102> translate <0.87375, -0.721414, 1.178862> } disc { // Disc003 <0,0,0>, <0,0,1>, 1.0 scale 0.069405 rotate <97.742744, -9.144386, -121.299187> translate <0.977252, -0.574692, 1.182408> } material { Parafin } } torus { // Torus001 1.5, 0.5 rotate -x*90 material { WrinkleGray } scale <1.075131, 0.90195, 0.185936> translate <-0.75783, 0.189857, 0.434743> } box { // Cube007 <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> material { T_Chrome_5A } scale <-0.006562, 0.024662, 0.559678> translate <-1.353119, -1.154587, 0.379311> } box { // Cube006 <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> material { T_Chrome_5A } scale <-0.006562, 0.024662, 0.559678> translate <-0.736836, -1.25437, 0.409275> } box { // Cube005 <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> material { T_Chrome_5A } scale <-0.006562, 0.024662, 0.559678> translate <-0.111669, -1.232476, 0.52916> } box { // Cube004 <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> material { T_Chrome_5A } scale <-0.006562, 0.024662, 0.559678> translate <1.109716, 0.432824, 0.948526> } box { // Cube003 <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> material { T_Chrome_5A } scale <-0.006562, 0.024662, 0.559678> translate <1.207226, 0.062237, 0.966565> } box { // Cube002 <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> material { T_Chrome_5A } scale <-0.006562, 0.024662, 0.559678> translate <1.082116, -0.442671, 0.951362> } box { // Cube001 <-1, -1, -1>, <1, 1, 1> material { T_Chrome_5A } scale <-0.006562, 0.024662, 0.559678> translate <0.599377, -0.954189, 0.871436> } plane { // Sky z,0 material { Tropics_Cloud_Sky } scale <9.707643, 2.743945, 7.068392> rotate <-90.269661, 2.778127, 31.817257> translate <-2.361784, 1.82878, 2.024059> } plane { // Ground z,0 material { Jade } no_reflection photons { pass_through } scale 7.373168 translate <-0.129839, 0.050548, 0.409911> } union { // BezPtch001 object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0100 u_steps 3 v_steps 3, <-1.000000, -0.000002, 0.000000>, <-1.000000, -1.333333, 0.000000>, <1.000000, -1.333333, 0.000000>, <1.000000, -0.000000, 0.000000>, <-1.000000, -0.000002, 2.000000>, <-1.000000, -1.333333, 2.000000>, <1.000000, -1.333333, 2.000000>, <1.000000, -0.000000, 2.000000>, <-1.000000, -0.000002, 4.000000>, <-1.000000, -1.333333, 4.000000>, <1.000000, -1.333333, 4.000000>, <1.000000, -0.000000, 4.000000>, <-0.920828, 0.005379, 5.556528>, <-1.000000, -1.333333, 6.000000>, <1.000000, -1.333333, 6.000000>, <1.000000, -0.000000, 6.000000> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0100 u_steps 3 v_steps 3, <1.000000, -0.000000, 0.000000>, <1.000000, 1.333333, 0.000000>, <-1.000000, 1.333330, 0.000000>, <-1.000000, -0.000002, 0.000000>, <1.000000, -0.000000, 2.000000>, <1.000000, 1.333333, 2.000000>, <-1.000000, 1.333330, 2.000000>, <-1.000000, -0.000002, 2.000000>, <1.000000, -0.000000, 4.000000>, <1.000000, 1.333333, 4.000000>, <-1.000000, 1.333330, 4.000000>, <-1.000000, -0.000002, 4.000000>, <1.000000, -0.000000, 6.000000>, <1.000000, 1.333333, 6.000000>, <-0.841657, 1.344092, 5.113057>, <-0.920828, 0.005379, 5.556528> } } material { red100_txt } scale <0.193453, 0.204537, 0.115867> translate <-2.023493, -0.916332, 0.193716> } union { // Body object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0100 u_steps 3 v_steps 3, <-0.918731, 0.052321, 0.028151>, <-1.000000, -0.550000, 0.000000>, <-0.416198, -0.757601, 0.162142>, <-0.039132, -0.837511, 0.348834>, <-0.962884, 0.003216, 0.419214>, <-1.000000, -0.550000, 0.500000>, <-0.474404, -0.743978, 0.341028>, <0.009461, -0.799237, 0.466924>, <-1.007095, -0.002823, 0.996405>, <-1.035527, -0.507883, 0.956995>, <-0.520238, -0.747592, 0.549153>, <-0.055506, -0.822003, 0.697816>, <-0.988430, 0.010998, 1.282630>, <-0.981480, -0.427123, 1.381669>, <-0.579234, -0.858148, 0.803287>, <-0.088203, -0.800836, 0.967717> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0100 u_steps 3 v_steps 3, <-0.039132, -0.837511, 0.348834>, <0.337934, -0.917422, 0.535527>, <0.950321, -0.527424, 0.000000>, <0.975160, 0.011288, 0.000000>, <0.009461, -0.799237, 0.466924>, <0.493326, -0.854497, 0.592821>, <1.000000, -0.550000, 0.500000>, <1.000000, 0.000000, 0.500000>, <-0.055506, -0.822003, 0.697816>, <0.409227, -0.896413, 0.846478>, <0.788285, -0.681590, 1.061006>, <0.894142, -0.065795, 1.030503>, <-0.088203, -0.800836, 0.967717>, <0.402829, -0.743524, 1.132146>, <0.758821, -0.782996, 1.653293>, <0.962468, -0.090961, 1.546773> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0100 u_steps 3 v_steps 3, <0.975160, 0.011288, 0.000000>, <1.000000, 0.550000, 0.000000>, <0.550000, 1.000000, 0.000000>, <0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000>, <1.000000, 0.000000, 0.500000>, <1.000000, 0.550000, 0.500000>, <0.550000, 1.000000, 0.500000>, <0.033724, 0.956113, 0.249559>, <0.894142, -0.065795, 1.030503>, <1.000000, 0.550000, 1.000000>, <0.452855, 0.927806, 0.940930>, <-0.049266, 0.974672, 0.903552>, <0.962468, -0.090961, 1.546773>, <1.166116, 0.601074, 1.440253>, <0.576212, 0.959102, 1.254112>, <0.014401, 0.955185, 1.041938> } } object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0100 u_steps 3 v_steps 3, <0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000>, <-0.550000, 1.000000, 0.000000>, <-0.837463, 0.654641, 0.056302>, <-0.918731, 0.052321, 0.028151>, <0.033724, 0.956113, 0.249559>, <-0.482553, 0.912226, -0.000883>, <-0.925768, 0.556432, 0.338427>, <-0.962884, 0.003216, 0.419214>, <-0.049266, 0.974672, 0.903552>, <-0.551387, 1.021539, 0.866174>, <-0.978663, 0.502237, 1.035815>, <-1.007095, -0.002823, 0.996405>, <0.014401, 0.955185, 1.041938>, <-0.547410, 0.951267, 0.829765>, <-0.995380, 0.449118, 1.183590>, <-0.988430, 0.010998, 1.282630> } } material { T_Grnt16 } scale <1.898217, 1.51897, 1.0> translate <-0.644578, 0.001923, -0.011127> } object { // Roof object { bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.0100 u_steps 3 v_steps 3, <-1.898703, -1.531305, -0.034804>, <-1.386530, -1.726253, -0.679311>, <-0.336066, -2.237569, -0.029612>, <0.821259, -1.603416, 0.379238>, <-2.411740, -1.303724, 0.342917>, <-0.802550, -1.032432, -1.574798>, <0.348021, -1.192820, -1.688893>, <1.722951, -0.790523, 0.637512>, <-2.524094, -0.494830, 0.289537>, <-0.668317, 0.026492, -0.943251>, <0.489225, 0.088433, -1.072158>, <1.551912, 0.065597, 0.355778>, <-2.097317, 0.206390, 0.024389>, <-1.453848, 0.950452, -0.235210>, <0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000>, <0.770608, 0.564314, 0.221173> } } material { SandstP } translate <-0.150507, 0.660693, 1.122814> }