CPSC 3710, Computer Graphics Ray-tracing Project
Shannon MacLeod
February 16, 2005
University of Lethbridge
--> Done in POV-Ray 3.4 <--

Flat-shaded models

"Public Art by Sörel Etrog - Calgary, Alberta"
This is a pair of sculptures found in downtown Calgary, somewhere around 4th Ave. S and 4th St. W.
The most difficult physical feature of these models was a smooth blend of the toroidal "heads" with the cylindrical "necks". I accomplished this transition after a great deal of trial and error using blobs. The final solution is far more simple than I had expected. Second most difficult was the smooth transitions at the "knees" of the yellow sculture and the back of the red sculpture, also completed, using cylindrical blobs for this.
I would say that most difficult concepts to deal with in POV-Ray are textures. The shear number of options is mind- boggling, and attempting to accomplish simple tasks (correctly) required astronomically more time than I ever expected. In the end, I settled for some pleasant, and moderately realistic shinyness on the two models, and a small amount of texture on the pedestals and other concrete objects (heh!).
I had hoped to convert some of the body pieces to solids of revolution/lathes, but I decided in the time remaining, better textures were more important to me.

Flat-shaded modelsFlat-shaded models

"City of Calgary Man..er..Personhole"
Okay, call it a sewer lid. Finally, the manhole cover took considerably more time than was probably warranted. And now I can think of several different ways to do it more easily. Oh well. I had initially planned on applying a speckled rust texture, but that proved exceedingly difficult to get right. I'm still pleased with it.
My favourite part of this was the opportunity to use #while loops to add the details, and an array to add the text.

Flat-shaded modelsFlat-shaded models

"Red 'Male' Sculpture"
This sculpture has considerably more details than the other. I've used a number of quadratic superellipsoids, and various combinations of unions and differences. Nothing extremely difficult, but I was very exacting about it. Well, superellipsoids are still pretty bizarre objects.

Flat-shaded modelsFlat-shaded models

"Yellow 'Female' Sculpture"
I did this sculpture second, and it was much, much easier than the red one. I did spend a large amount of time attempting to curve the knees using a b_spline swept_sphere. Unfortunately, the documentation if well obfuscated, so I wasn't able to use that method. Fortunately, I finally had a 'Hallelujah' moment about blobs, and went nuts.

Flat-shaded models

"Mid-Progress Render"
A render from when I had just gotten the modelling out of the way, except for a few final tweaks.