global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 } #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" //--------------------------------------------------------- camera ----------------------------------------------------------- #declare Cam0 = camera {angle 80 //location <-10 , 14.0 ,-30.0> location <15.0 ,30.0 ,-30> //location <-25.0 , 20.0 ,8.0> look_at <8.0 , 28.0 , 5.0> //location <-15.0 , 6.0 ,-29.0> //look_at <5.0 , 6.0 , 10.0> } camera{Cam0} // -----------------------------------------------------------sun ------------------------------------------------------------ light_source{<100,150,-150> color White } // ----------------------------------------------------------sky ------------------------------------------------------------- plane{<0,1,0>,1 hollow // texture{ pigment {color rgb<0.2,0.5,0.9>} finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}} texture{pigment { bozo turbulence 0.95 octaves 6 omega 0.4 lambda 5 color_map { [0.0 color rgb <0.95, 0.95, 0.95> ] [0.1 color rgb <0.85, 0.85, 0.85> ] [0.5 color rgbt <1, 1, 1, 1> ] [1.0 color rgbt <1, 1, 1, 1> ] } rotate<10,20,0> scale <0.3, 0.4, 0.2> } finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}} scale 10000} // --------------------------------------------------fog at the horizon ----------------------------------------------------- fog{distance 300000 color White} //------------------------------------------------------- ground ------------------------------------------------------------ plane {<0,1,0>, 0 texture {pigment{ color YellowGreen*0.9} normal {bumps 0.5 scale 0.01} finish {ambient 0.45 diffuse 0.55}} } //-----------------------------------------------------Grain Elevator--------------------------------------------------------- // violet prism //Base prism{ -22.00, 2.00, 6 <-7.00, 0.00>, < 7.00, 0.00>, < 7.00, 25.00>, < 0.00, 31.00>, <-7.00, 25.00>, <-7.00, 0.00> texture{ pigment{color Aquamarine} normal {bumps 0.5 scale 0.2} finish {ambient 0.40 diffuse 0.65 phong 0.3 phong_size 80 }} rotate<-90,-15,0> translate<15,0,10> } // ----- Text in front of building---------------- text{ttf "arial.ttf", "BARONS",0.3, 0 texture{ pigment{color White} //normal {bumps 0.5 scale 0.2} finish {ambient 0.70 diffuse 0.65 }} scale 2.2 translate<11,14,5.2> rotate<0,-5,-2>} /* //---------- Roof ------------------ box {<0,0,0>,<4.5,0.2,7> rotate<0,0,0> translate<8,25.5,5> texture { T_Wood2 scale .8 rotate 90*x } normal {bumps 0.1 scale 0.2} finish {ambient 0.85 diffuse 0.65 phong 0.3 phong_size 80}} */ //----------------------- //pipe in the middle of the building cylinder {<0,0,0>,<0,10.5,0>,0.3 rotate<0,0,0> translate<3,0,16> texture{pigment{color Green} finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.75 reflection 0.1 phong 1}}} // Second connecting pipe to the building cylinder {<0,0,0>,<0,5.5,0>,0.3 rotate<0,0,-90> translate<3,10,16> texture{pigment{color Green} finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.75 reflection 0.1 phong 1}}} // Second prism // Top Roof prism{ -22.00, 2.00, 6 <-3.00, 0.00>, < 3.00, 0.00>, < 3.00, 3.00>, < 0.00, 4>, <-3.00, 3.00>, <-3.00, 0.00> rotate<-90,-15,0> translate<15,28,10> pigment{color Aquamarine} normal {bumps 0.5 scale 0.2} finish {ambient 0.40 diffuse 0.65 phong 0.3 phong_size 80 }} //third Prism //middle roof prism{ -8.50, 6.0, 6 <-5.0, 0.00>, < 5.0, 0.00>, < 5.0, 5.00>, < 0.00, 9.00>, <-5.0, 5.0>, <-5.0, 0.00> rotate<-90,-110,0> translate<14,25.0,18.5> pigment{color Aquamarine} normal {bumps 0.5 scale 0.2} finish {ambient 0.40 diffuse 0.65 phong 0.3 phong_size 80 }} // Chimneys on top of middle roof cylinder {<0,0,0>,<0,1.5,0>,0.5 scale <1,1,1> rotate<0,0,0> translate<8,33.5,16.5> texture{pigment{color White} finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.75 reflection 0.1 phong 1}}} cylinder {<0,0,0>,<0,1.5,0>,0.5 scale <1,1,1> rotate<0,0,0> translate<18,33.2,20> texture{pigment{color White} finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.75 reflection 0.1 phong 1}}} // Mettalic Grain Storage // the aluminium mirrored cylinder in the back: // Cylinder 1 cylinder {<0,0,0>,<0,24,0>,5 scale <1,1,1> rotate<0,0,0> translate<-6,0,48> texture{Chrome_Metal normal {bumps 0.1 scale 0.2} finish {ambient 0.85 diffuse 0.65 phong 0.3 phong_size 80 reflection 0.08 metallic}} } // Top cone cone{<0,0,0>,5.0,<0,5,0>,0.0 translate<-6,24,48> texture{Chrome_Metal normal {bumps 0.1 scale 0.2} finish {ambient 0.85 diffuse 0.65 phong 0.3 phong_size 80 reflection 0.08 metallic}} } // Cylinder 2 cylinder {<0,0,0>,<0,24,0>,5 scale <1,1,1> rotate<0,0,0> translate<-12.5,0,56> texture{Chrome_Metal normal {bumps 0.1 scale 0.2} finish {ambient 0.85 diffuse 0.65 phong 0.3 phong_size 80 reflection 0.08 metallic}} } // Top cone cone{<0,0,0>,5.0,<0,5,0>,0.0 translate<-12.5,24,56> texture{Chrome_Metal normal {bumps 0.1 scale 0.2} finish {ambient 0.85 diffuse 0.65 phong 0.3 phong_size 80 reflection 0.08 metallic}} } //Cylinder 3 cylinder {<0,0,0>,<0,24,0>,5 scale <1,1,1> rotate<0,0,0> translate<-17,0,60> texture{Chrome_Metal normal {bumps 0.1 scale 0.2} finish {ambient 0.85 diffuse 0.65 phong 0.3 phong_size 80 reflection 0.08 metallic}} } // Top cone cone{<0,0,0>,5.0,<0,5,0>,0.0 translate<-17,24,60> texture{Chrome_Metal normal {bumps 0.1 scale 0.2} finish {ambient 0.85 diffuse 0.65 phong 0.3 phong_size 80 reflection 0.08 metallic}} } // Building next to grain storage box {<0,0,0>,<20,30,10> texture{ pigment{color Wheat} finish {ambient 0.65 diffuse 0.70 phong 1} } rotate<0,60,0> translate<-36,0,84> } /* //connecting poles from building to steel container cylinder {<0,0,0>,<0,28,0>,0.2 rotate<55,0,90> translate<-5,22.6,20> texture{pigment{color White} finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.75 reflection 0.1 phong 1}}} */ // Electricity Pole in front of Grain elevator cylinder {<0,0,0>,<0,8,0>,0.2 translate<-3,0,7.5> texture{pigment{color White} finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.75 reflection 0.1 phong 1}}} cylinder {<0,0,0>,<0,3,0>,0.2 rotate<0,0,90> translate<-1.5,8,7.5> texture{pigment{color White} finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.75 reflection 0.1 phong 1}}} // Rail cars // First bogey // Top part box {<0,0,0>,<5,2,7> texture{ pigment{color LightBlue} finish {ambient 0.70 diffuse 0.85 }} rotate<0,150,0> translate<0.6,3,-1> } // 2nd part from top cone{<0,0,0>,2.0,<0,1.0,0>,3.0 translate<0.5,2,-4.8> rotate<0,0,0> texture{ pigment{color LightBlue} finish {ambient 0.70 diffuse 0.85 }}} //3rd Par from top cone{<0,0,0>,1.8,<0,0.5,0>,2.0 translate<0.5,1,-4.8> rotate<0,0,0> texture{ pigment{color LightBlue} finish {ambient 0.70 diffuse 0.85 }}} // bottom most part box {<0,0,0>,<4,0.2,6> rotate<0,150,0> translate<0.6,1,-1> texture{ pigment{color LightBlue} finish {ambient 0.70 diffuse 0.85 }}} //-------------------------- // Second bogey // Top part box {<0,0,0>,<5,2,7> texture{ pigment{color PaleGreen} finish {ambient 0.50 diffuse 0.65 }} rotate<0,150,0> translate<-5,3,7> } // 2nd part from top cone{<0,0,0>,2.0,<0,1.0,0>,3.0 translate<-5.5,2,3> texture{ pigment{color PaleGreen} finish {ambient 0.50 diffuse 0.65 }}} //3rd Pary from top cone{<0,0,0>,1.8,<0,0.5,0>,2.0 translate<-5.5,1.5,3> texture{ pigment{color PaleGreen} finish {ambient 0.50 diffuse 0.65 }}} // 4th Part box {<0,0,0>,<4,0.2,6> texture{ pigment{color PaleGreen} finish {ambient 0.50 diffuse 0.65 }} rotate<0,150,0> translate<-5,1,7> } // third bogey // Top part box {<0,0,0>,<5,2,7> texture{ pigment{color Firebrick} finish {ambient 0.50 diffuse 0.85 }} rotate<0,150,0> translate<-9.4,3,16> } // 2nd part from top cone{<0,0,0>,2.0,<0,1.0,0>,3.0 translate<-9.9,2,12> texture{ pigment{color Firebrick} finish {ambient 0.50 diffuse 0.85 }}} //3rd Pary from top cone{<0,0,0>,1.8,<0,0.5,0>,2.0 translate<-9.9,1.5,12> texture{ pigment{color Firebrick} finish {ambient 0.50 diffuse 0.85}}} // 4th Part box {<0,0,0>,<4,0.2,6> texture{ pigment{color Firebrick} finish {ambient 0.50 diffuse 0.85 }} rotate<0,150,0> translate<-9.4,1,16> } // Front bogey // Top part box {<0,0,0>,<5,2,7> texture{ pigment{color LightBlue} finish {ambient 0.60 diffuse 0.75 }} rotate<0,150,0> translate<5,3,-8> } // 2nd part from top cone{<0,0,0>,2.0,<0,1.0,0>,3.0 translate<5,2,-11.5> texture{ pigment{color LightBlue} finish {ambient 0.60 diffuse 0.75}}} //3rd Pary from top cone{<0,0,0>,1.8,<0,0.5,0>,2.0 translate<5,1.5,-11.5> texture{ pigment{color LightBlue} finish {ambient 0.60 diffuse 0.75 }}} // 4th Part box {<0,0,0>,<4,0.2,6> texture{ pigment{color LightBlue} finish {ambient 0.60 diffuse 0.75 }} rotate<0,150,0> translate<5,1,-8> } // ---- Text on rail car---- text{ttf "arial.ttf", "CP Rail",0.3, 0 texture{ pigment{color Scarlet} //normal {bumps 0.5 scale 0.2} finish {ambient 0.70 diffuse 0.65 }} scale 0.85 translate<8.5,4.2,-11> rotate<0,40,0>} //boundry in front of rail cars box {<30,0,0>,<-40,2,2> rotate<90,60,0> translate<-9,1,4> texture {pigment{ color YellowGreen*0.9} normal {bumps 0.5 scale 0.01} finish {ambient 0.45 diffuse 0.55}}}