The Pool Table
John Hanam |
(click to enlarge)
Ups and Downs

Favorite Part
My most favorite part is the reflections on the balls. I love how Povray handles the light, and can produce such crisp accurate reflections.
Here are a few examples:

Most Difficult Part
The part of the project I found to be the most difficult was the corner pocket. I had to combine several shapes to make a proper hole. I unfortunately ran out of time, so the hole does not look as good as I would have hoped.
Here is a close-up of the hole:

Sucesses and Regrets
I feel that I was sucessful in creating a pool table. Although I didnt have enough time to make the pocket look proper, I am still proud of the finished product. I LOVE the reflections on the spheres.

My only regret is running out of time. With more time, I would perfect the pockets, cue sticks, and the size ratios among the objects.

Alot of my learning of POVRay was done through examinging code form other projects. Just to be safe, I would like to credit a source I viewed which contained a pool table scene. Although I used this source as an aid or guide, none of my work came directly from it:
I accessed and

John Hanam