Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar
Fall 2013
Talks are at noon on Monday in B660
For more information, or to receive an email announcement of each week's seminar,
contact Nathan Ng < ng AT cs DOT uleth DOT ca > or Dave Morris <>.
Talks in the series this semester:
(Click on any title for more info, including the abstract. Then click on it again to hide the info.)

Date Speaker Title

Sept 9 everyone Open problem session

Sept 16 Farzad Aryan On distribution of squares modulo a composite number \(q\)

Sept 23 Nathan Ng Zhang's theorem on bounded gaps between primes

Sept 30 Nathan Ng Zhang's theorem on bounded gaps between primes, part 2

Oct 7 Jeff Bleaney Symmetries of an Elliptic Net

Oct 21 Adam Felix On the distribution of torsion points modulo primes

Oct 28 Dave Morris What is a Coxeter group?

Nov 4 Soroosh Yazdani Solving \(S\)-unit equations

Nov 15 Patrick Ingram The arithmetic of post-critically finite morphisms
(Colorado State University)

Nov 18 James Parks Distribution conjectures for elliptic curves on average

Nov 25 Habiba Kadiri Zero density and primes

Dec 2 Darcy Best Biangular Lines

Dec 9 Renate Scheidler Continued Fractions With Bounded Period Length
(University of Calgary)
Past semesters: Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012
Spring 2008 Spring 2009 Spring 2010 Spring 2012 Spring 2013