Why is there a duck on your office door?

Somehow over the last few years I went from just teaching about rubber duck debugging to being a duck keeper.
It's not so bad, collecting & sharing rubber ducks -- at this point I've given up avoiding my fate and started looking for a Canadian petroleum free ecologically friendly source for my bouncy little friends.
Here are a some sources regarding rubber duck debugging:


Wynne was a gift from a student that participated in Coding Clinic Summer 2022.
Unfortunately, I forgot to ask their name when they dropped by my office on Thursday 2022-09-08.
If you are this student or know the student that gave me this lovely duck, I want to get in touch with them.
Please let them know.
Thank you, Nicole


Last Updated by Nicole Wilson <n.wilson@uleth.ca> 2022-09-10 @ 9:46 AM MT