L. Nicole Wilson’s professional and personal antiracism commitment

On this day, Tuesday 2020-06-22, I pledge to…
  1. Learn more about how I can combat racism in my daily life, my classroom, my workplace, my city, my province, my country, and my world.
  2. Learn more about how I can recognize and confront those that engage in racist behaviour.
  3. Learn more about how to actively listen to those who choose to share their experiences in racism.
  4. Learn to recognize my own racist behaviour and racist assumptions.
  5. 2022-04-21 Learn to recognize and change language that have a racist and/or other discriminatory basis found in all areas of IT.
To act on what I learn so that …
  1. I do combat racism in my daily life, my classroom, my workplace, my city, my province, my country, and my world.
  2. I do recognize and confront those that engage in racist behaviour.
  3. I can help those who want and need help to access the beneficial opportunities and experiences they have not been able to equitably access.
  4. I can battle my unconscious and conscious racist beliefs and actions to become a better antiracist.
  5. I can be gracious and listen if someone should choose to call me out on my behaviour.
  6. I can participate in changing the terms found in my CPSC classes and labs that have a racist and/or other discriminatory basis to appropriate and inclusive terms.
Last updated and reviewed: 2023-04-20 11:56 AM MDT