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Section 4 Course policies

This section deals with questions about day-to-day operation of the course, accommodations, missed tests, and other exceptional (yet common) cases.

Subsubsection 4.1 How do I find you if I need help with something?

My office is C540, in University Hall.

Office hours will be available on Moodle and maybe even on my office door.

Subsubsection 4.2 Do I need to make an appointment for office hours? What if I have class at that time?

You don't need an appointment -- just drop in. Office hours are the times that I promise to be available for consultation. If the times I choose don't work, you can email me for an appointment.

Subsubsection 4.3 What if it's not related to the course?

Come see me anyway, or send an email. If I can't help you myself, I'll direct you to someone who can. There's some great general advice for students on the U of L website. They've got some great answers to related questions there.

Subsubsection 4.4 OK, but what if it's kind of personal?

If it affects your ability to participate in the course (or even if it doesn't), you can come talk to me. In many cases, you might be best off seeing Academic Advising or Counselling Services. Links to these services, and general advice, can be found on the U of L website.

You may also want to visit the University's Health and Safety website for information on other resources on campus.

Subsubsection 4.5 One of the tests conflicts with something else in my schedule. What are my options?

If you know in advance that you will not be able to attend a test for a “reasonable reason”, like varsity athletics, a conference, tea with the Queen, etc., send me an email. We will try to arrange an alternate sitting of the test.

Subsubsection 4.6 I missed a test because I was sick. What do I do? Do I get a zero?

Whoa, two questions at once! If you're sick, contact me as soon as you're able to. If your illness persists more than a day, it's unlikely we can make alternate arrangements. However, you do not receive a zero. That test is simply removed from your grade calculation.

Subsubsection 4.7 Do I need a doctor's note?

No. This wastes health care resources and your time. Just email me to say you were sick. However, if you skip more than one test due to illness, we'll need to meet to discuss how to adjust your grade.

Subsubsection 4.8 What if my car breaks down?

Same thing, for this, or other circumstances beyond your control. Send me an email, and we'll sort something out. But if there's a snowstorm forecast for the night before, maybe don't plan a trip to Calgary.

Subsubsection 4.9 I'm on one of the Pronghorns teams.

Good for you!

Oh, you probably have some scheduling issues. Your coach should be providing you with a letter. Plan to meet with me during office hours one day and we'll sort something out.

Subsubsection 4.10 I receive learning accommodations. What arrangements can I make?

First, make sure that you have registered with the University's Accommodated Learning Centre. If you have exam accommodations, you'll need to schedule your exams with them. No need to let me know: they'll contact me to request a copy of your exam.

If you require any in-class accommodations, or if there are any adjustments I can make to facilitate your learning, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

Subsubsection 4.11 Life intervened and I can't keep up this week. What do I do?

Send me an email. Extensions are usually granted as long as they're granted ahead of time. The cumulative nature of the grading scheme meeans that you can make up for missed work by doing something else of similar value.

Subsubsection 4.12 I missed class. What do I do?

If it's a one-time thing, don't worry about it. Bring any work you needed to submit during office hours. If circumstances are conspiring to keep you from class on a regular basis, you'll need to meet with me to come up with alternate arrangements.

Subsection 4.1 What are the policies regarding plagiarism and cheating?

Our course conforms to the University policy on academic conduct, which can be found in the Academic Calendar, beginning on page 61.

Subsubsection 4.13 I have a question that isn't answered here. How do I contact you?

Short answer: you can send me an email. There are a few caveats, however:

  • First, check the course page (and the announcements forum) on Moodle. Any information I need to communicate to the class will be posted on Moodle, or emailed to the class as an announcement via Moodle.
  • Is the question about homework? Email is not a good medium for discussing math. Your best option is to ask me in person. If that doesn't work, remember that there is a help forum on Moodle.

Subsubsection 4.14 I sent you an email. Why haven't you answered it yet?

Here's a short troubleshooting guide:

  • Your email was not sent from a ULeth account and had no subject line: It went to my spam folder.
  • Your email sent between 10 pm and 6 am: I'm asleep. I'll answer when I get to work in the morning.
  • Your email sent during office hours: I'm busy helping the students who are here in person. Perhaps you should drop by yourself.
  • Your email asked for help on a specific homework problem: Direct your question to the online forum.
  • Your email was about something already addressed in this FAQ: I need time to come up with a polite reply.