Funcube 1 project:
Funcube is a project developed by AMSAT-UK and AMSAT-NL organizations. It consists of a collection of small satellites launched on a low Earth orbit whose primary mission is to support science education in high schools and colleges worldwide. Below is a set of links and mirrored resources that can help individuals, teachers, and students, in receiving signals from these satellites and interpreting the data.
Funcube links, videos
Antenna resources
- The yagi I built, and some additional advice.
- AMSAT-UK contains links to other antenna designs (including some quadrifillar helix ones). The shop sells a turnstile antenna designed for receiving the funcube-1 telemetry.
SWATCA 2015 presentation
Classroom resources
- Pragmatic Guide for Using the FUNCube Materials Science Experiment in the Classroom, Mike Spencer, 2014.
- More classroom resources from ARRL
- Exercises from Heathland School available from the funcube outreach page.