Courses archive

CPSC 4210/5210/7210: Wireless Networks

The course is available on Moodle.
The course outline can be accessed here.

Lectures: Tue/Thr 1:30 pm – 2:45 pm, in A580

CPSC 3780 for Dr. Gaur (Sept 20-22, 2016)

Topics: Fourier transforms, the sampling theorem, Shannon formula for the capacity of a communication channel.



CPSC 2620 for Dr. Hossain (Sept 13-15, 2016)

Lectures for the week: Sep 13-15.
Topic: an introduction to classes.
Text: Chapter 7 in Skansholm.
Notes available here (updated Sept 18).
Source code including homework available at cloud9 or as a zip file (updated Sept 18).

CPSC 4625: Design and analysis of advanced algorithms

Course outline.

CPSC 1820: Discrete Structures

The course materials are available on moodle to registered students.
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications – 8th Ed, by Rosen (older
editions OK).
Book of Proof – 2nd Ed, by Hammack, available at http://www.
(CC Licence).
Course outline.

An older offering of the course is accessible

CPSC 2620: Fundamentals of programming II

All course resources are available on moodle to registered students.
Open Data Structures by Pat Morin.
C++ Primer, 5th Ed, Lippman, Lajoie, Moo.
Course outline

CPSC 4110/5110 – Advanced Algorithms (Approximations)

This course is about designing approximation algorithms for difficult
optimization problems for which no optimal algorithms with running
time polynomial in the problem size are known. Approximation
algorithms find feasible solutions that may not be optimal but are not
too far from the optimal one.

We overview various interesting
algorithm design techniques that may prove extremely useful to
graduate students tackling research questions in various fields and to
undergraduates who may encounter interesting problems in their future
projects in the industry.

[course wbpage]

CPSC 3720: Software Engineering

Course resources are on Moodle.
The course outline: [PDF]

CPSC 3615 – Computer Architecture

Course resources are on Moodle.
Course outline: [PDF]

CPSC 1620: Introduction to Programming

The course is available on Moodle.
Course outline.

Textbook: Introduction to C++ by Vahid and Lysecky, available from

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  • Sign in or create an account at
  • Enter zyBook code: ULETHCPSC1620BenkocziFall2022
  • Subscribe